I usually am behind the curtains doing what Providence has put on my heart to do in The Heritage Movement. I am a part of a network of Southern Patriots doing what is needed to maintain The Charge of 1906. Me and these fellow Patriots go unsung, because we do our Charge quietly; it is our privilege to honor our Southern Heroes, who gave themselves to give us a life of Freedom. The things we do are as simple as cleaning grave sites, or finding unforgotten ones and restoring them, maintaining Flagpoles with new Confederate Flags when damaged, sitting in endless public government committee meetings at all levels; local, State and Federal. Including working in the Campaigns of Elected Officials to insure the right ones get elected, and then hold them accountable when they're in office. Giving hundreds of talks to all types of groups presenting the true Southern History. Standing Nightwatch, when needed to protect our Confederate Monuments and Flagpoles against evil thugs who only want to destroy them. Organizing and presenting countless Remembrance and Dedication Services. Daily getting the word out to the Heritage Community on social media and newsletters. And I am only touching on some of the things us real Southern Patriots do daily.
However, there are those fools who judge us, including a crazed Yankee woman with a dog, to some SCV members, some UDC women; not too mention all the Hate groups and fakenews media, Liberal Universities, Home grown and international Marxist violent thugs. Folks, I am already on my second Guardian Angel, so when I tell y'all I will stand to the death for my God and His Confederate Soldiers; you can take that to the Bank. All these fools are nothing to us Forwarding The Colors! We will ask that you fools sit down and shut up, OR get off your butts and join us in the trenches. If this article offends you, then know we loose NO sleep over your foolishness. And if you are stupid enough to try and justify your foolishness to us, good luck; We are well educated Unreconstructed Confederates.