
Monday, October 21, 2019

I believe these things

by Rickey Pittman(personalize by Barry F Isenhour)

I am a Southerner...
I won't Apologize,
I won't be Reconstructed,
I will not surrender
my identity, my Heritage.
I believe in the Constitution, especially
In State's Rights(9th & 10th Amendments).
That the Federal Government should be the
Servant, not the Master of We The People,
I believe in the Right to bear arms(2nd Amendment),
The Right to be left alone.

I am a Southerner...
The spirit of my Confederate Ancestor boils in my blood;
many who still lie in unmarked graves
in distant places far from their homes.
They fought not for what They thought was right,
but for what was right.
Not for Northern imposed Slavery,
But to resist Tyranny, Machiavellian laws,
Oppressive taxation, invasion of His land,
For the Right to be left alone.

I am a Southerner...
A Rebel,
Seldom politically correct, at times belligerent,
I don't care much for Lincoln, Grant, Sherman,
Or modern neo-con politicians like them.
I like hunting & fishing, Bluegrass. Gospel
The "Bonnie Blue" and "Dixie" ,
I still believe in Chivalry and Civility,
I am the face of The Southern College of
Gentlemen and Scholars,
Belles and Writers,
Soldiers and Sharecroppers,
Cajuns and Creoles, Tejanos and Islens,
Celts and Germans, Cherokee and Mountain Folks,
Gullah and Geech, Freemen and Crackers,
We are All The South.

The South...
My home, my beautiful land, my Culture,
My destiny, my heart Blessed by God,
I am a Southerner,
Deo Vindice!


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

WE are called to ACT

"A lie doesn't become truth,
wrong doesn't become right
and evil doesn't become good,
just because it's accepted by
a majority"

          Let that sink in your soul...as we begin [again] to take back our Country, part of the restoration is to teach our Citizens [again] the true history of our God given unique Country; warts, missteps, ignorance and all.  The PC Socialist picking and choosing of "what history" fits into the narrow "mob mentality" of the day, Must Stop! 

         One group is in, another is out; because the Elites have a new cause celeb of the week.  This nonsense has been going on for decades (before Trump came on the seen).  This is destroying our
Country!  Educating our children on lies and Socialist propaganda is immoral, period!

        Who are these FEW Elites to tell us Americans what we will teach our prodigy?  It is the parent's God ordained task to past on our faith, family learned lessons, family history to our children.
Each American is a sovereign citizen [read our Declaration of Independence], not some low life slave to the secular PC police.  The American citizen decides what is best for themselves and their children; not some Out of Touch Bureaucrat in a distant capital.

         If WE, allow a name or phase or fool belief to stop us from doing the right thing, then WE must stop allowing it to alter our behavior.  Elites and their Snowflake minions are Cowards, whose only power is to make up things [lies] that "offends" some special group.  Usually the special group does not even exist, or is a very tiny group; then they condemn or deem incorrect the Majority that thinks differently. This is why when the American Citizen stand together as one voice....the Elites and their PC minions back down.  As long as they can divide the citizens into victim groups fighting fictional perpetrators, then they control us and continue to destroy our beloved Country; along with our traditions, distinct cultures, and layered histories.

      It is simple to reverse this downward slide, just stand up and be counted. Join with other like minded folks, our neighborhoods are now the social media.  Home School your children, get involve in your local county and city governments, and stay involved.  Don't run from the first setback or name calling, etc.  WE are in a real fight.  This is not a one time or short term movement, but a way of life. An American Citizens way of life.

      If We believe We are God's sovereign individuals, then isn't it time We live it! 
 Jeremiah 29:10-14, speaks of generations pass before Providence restore the dream of a Godly Nation.  We can be renewed in our quest for God's Restoration of His Country through our
Constitutional Republic form of governance, i.e. State's Rights, Bill of Rights and Rule of Law.
Our generation must stand up and honor our ancestors through our Southern Heritage, Second Amendment, Small Family Farms, Grass root political groups and many others.
       These times are the start of our winnable struggle to restore Our American Country. This my
Brothers and Sisters are the days of...."Walk It! Talk It" Time!!!


Tuesday, September 3, 2019

I get so Tired of Hater's Logic!

     Today all's that we Southerners hear is that The Seceded States did so because they only wanted to keep African-Americans in chains under slavery. This worldview is so wrong and proven wrong by American History; however, these haters ignore the truth of History and spew lies, distort real History and claim be to be the arbiters of truth and morality.  These Haters are so full of Hate for their perceived wrong done only to them...

     All the while, they over look the real murder and genocide taking place in their neighborhood in the ghetto cities their current Masters of the Democrat Party stuff them into producing generations of perpetual poverty.  As they scream at a flag or monument doing them no harm; they loose their minds.  Does this make sense? What does it do to stop the murders and continuous genocide their living next too? Liberals are making y'all a bunch of suckers!

    The original importation of African Slaves into North America evolved approximately 4 million Africans by the Dutch, New Yorkers, English, New Englanders, French, Spanish and Portuguese who created this international slave trade with African Tribes starting in the 17th Century.*  So all this modern hysteria is raging, tearing our Country apart for this forced immigration!

     As if the intentional destruction of 20 million lives wasn't unconscionable enough, did y'all know that Black babies are killed in their Mother's womb at the rate three times greater than Whites? So you Haters, who are the real racist?

     As of this writing: more than 20,000,000 Black American babies have been murdered in the U.S. since Roe v Wade legalized abortion in 1973. While we all recognize that every child is of immeasurable worth, and that every innocent life taken is a National tragedy, it is especially heinous to find that the babies of one particular culture/race are being specially targeted for destruction.

     In fact, it is well documented that the New England formed Planned Parenthood has long targeted Black babies and women under their plan of extermination called the "The Negro Project."  They (Liberals) have long used abortion to advance the eugenic cause and their efforts have resulted in the deaths of more than 20,000,000 Black American lives.  So an honest question; how does wasting time and resources to destroy a monument reverse this modern day genocide?  If is makes no sense to you haters spewing lies about our Southern Heritage, then refocus y'all rage against the real problems facing Black America, We're just sayin'

*notice, no Southern State brought this sin to our Country. Read up on Lincoln's "Black Blockade" of 1862 too.

IF this Christian Soldier's Flag, or Veteran's Monument triggers U, then U might suffer from the  White Liberal Negro Project! Wake up....

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Monster Under the Bed

            So what are you really afraid of? 

My guess is what you will see in the mirror! Historically speaking, you know you have no clue about the fight you now face, or you believe the lies spewed about our Heritage must be true, and you are afraid they might be right about you not fitting into their Worldview.  All of this time you thought is was cool to be a decedent of a Confederate Soldier, everybody wished they could be too, RIGHT?
         Now, you find out that NOT EVERYBODY THINKS IT A COOL THING....
Now is the time when the rubber meets the road, what do I do?  Many of you decide it's not worth the hassle; you go underground, not showing your Colors in public, and agreeing with the Liberals, hoping they don't find out and call you a racist! Down South we call this being a Coward, may God have mercy on your soul.
        Then there's the sunshine Confederate, you only show your Colors around other Confederates; but when it looks like rough seas ahead, you sail for cover until the storm has passed.  These are the Fair Weather folks(unfortunately the majority of heritage groups' members).
         BUT WAIT a minute! Are you judging me! Yesum, I am! Our Lord tells us to judge each other by the fruit we produce....,so if y'all got a problem with that, then take it up with Jesus.
         Always there are those who fly the Colors for their own self edification, they are loud, rued, usually half cocked with the facts. They make us all look bad, and when asked to stand down, they double down with their foolishness.  We call these folks the Wannabees.
         Thankfully there are those true Patriots working, usually behind the scenes moving our Heritage group forward to God's Glory!  Very important to understand this fact: It Ain't about Us! It's about the Confederate Soldiers! We can only Forward The Colors under Their Banner, the Banner of Saint Andrews Cross.  Only under His(Christ's) Banner, can we defeat the evil that surrounds us today. Therefore, put on the whole Armour of God and Fight!


Thursday, May 30, 2019

How did it happen?

     I have long wondered how Americans from up North came to invade the South with such hate? Well, part of the answer comes from the new socialists from Europe settled in the North with their Godless mantra of social justice for the workers. On July 4th, 1826; a new immigrate from Scotland named Robert Owen, gave a speech in Indiana from his new socialist commune(New Harmony) denouncing American Christians as a plague on The Country. Later on this new immigrate became a member of the US Congress. *Think that radial muslim now in our modern Congress*  This man and his friends like Abe Lincoln, spewed their marxist lies throughout the 25 yrs before the War. Convincing Northern Americans to hate Southern Americans, as well as, dehumanizing us Southerners; making it alright to invade, rape, plunder, murder fellow citizens. Just because they were Southerners, White and Black. Now they are coming at us Southerners again for the same reasons, lies, spews of hate. These people today are pure evil and have only hate in their souls for us God Fearing Southerners. We are being exterminated by today's Democrat Party, and Liberal Northerners. These thugs are a plague on our Country.  Under the banner of our Fathers, the Cross of Saint Andrews, we fight back.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

How do You Lose Your Soul?

Is is so sad to once again see the Virginia Division's DEC waste time on silly things that do not advance The Charge.  They seem so self absorbed as to not notice the ship their on is sinking.  Despite many Patriots trying to help; they slap their hands away and proceed to sideboard themselves to destruction.  Apparently they are not the ones that must organize and fight in the trenches of Heritage. God Almighty has new warriors to pick up His cross and march forward. As General Bee famously shouted with his last breath, "Rally around the Virginians!"  That's The Virginia Flaggers nowadays! 

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Are YOU acting like the Marxist?

     Why are U involved in The heritage Movement? How You answer this direct question is the key to why would anybody take U seriously...  There are folks who study their Family's History, and or, studying the Politics, Military, Social, Religious and Ethics of The War for Southern Independence by reading source documents.  And others use the fake History rewrite to justify their positions. And still others pick and choose the History of this War to include into their personal World View.  Which is the right choice? Let us read the words of the generation that fought this War:

"To You, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we
will commit the vindication of the cause for
which we fought,  To your strength will be
given the defense of the Confederate Soldier's
good name, the guardianship of his history,
the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation
of those principles he loved and which
you love also, and those ideals which made him
glorious and which you also cherish.
Are you also ready to die for your Country?
Is your life worthy to be remembered along
with theirs?  D0 you choose for yourself this
greatness of soul?  NOT in the clamor of the 
 crowed street, not in the shouts and plaudits of
                                the throng! But in ourselves are the triumph and defeat."

So again, I ask why are you involved?     These are their words; pretty simple and straight forth. Are you doing this in the public?  Notice no mention of lieu acts, i.e. shouting, cursing, peeing or graffiti on monuments, disgusting flags, or armed to intimidate; basically showing your rear end in public. There are people among us who are in this movement for their own agendas. These people are no better than the Hate groups attacking us. If you cannot do what the soldier's deeded to us, then please shut your mouths, learn how to act, study real history, stay off our social media; until you get it!