
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Are YOU acting like the Marxist?

     Why are U involved in The heritage Movement? How You answer this direct question is the key to why would anybody take U seriously...  There are folks who study their Family's History, and or, studying the Politics, Military, Social, Religious and Ethics of The War for Southern Independence by reading source documents.  And others use the fake History rewrite to justify their positions. And still others pick and choose the History of this War to include into their personal World View.  Which is the right choice? Let us read the words of the generation that fought this War:

"To You, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we
will commit the vindication of the cause for
which we fought,  To your strength will be
given the defense of the Confederate Soldier's
good name, the guardianship of his history,
the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation
of those principles he loved and which
you love also, and those ideals which made him
glorious and which you also cherish.
Are you also ready to die for your Country?
Is your life worthy to be remembered along
with theirs?  D0 you choose for yourself this
greatness of soul?  NOT in the clamor of the 
 crowed street, not in the shouts and plaudits of
                                the throng! But in ourselves are the triumph and defeat."

So again, I ask why are you involved?     These are their words; pretty simple and straight forth. Are you doing this in the public?  Notice no mention of lieu acts, i.e. shouting, cursing, peeing or graffiti on monuments, disgusting flags, or armed to intimidate; basically showing your rear end in public. There are people among us who are in this movement for their own agendas. These people are no better than the Hate groups attacking us. If you cannot do what the soldier's deeded to us, then please shut your mouths, learn how to act, study real history, stay off our social media; until you get it!

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