I have long wondered how Americans from up North came to invade the South with such hate? Well, part of the answer comes from the new socialists from Europe settled in the North with their Godless mantra of social justice for the workers. On July 4th, 1826; a new immigrate from Scotland named Robert Owen, gave a speech in Indiana from his new socialist commune(New Harmony) denouncing American Christians as a plague on The Country. Later on this new immigrate became a member of the US Congress. *Think that radial muslim now in our modern Congress* This man and his friends like Abe Lincoln, spewed their marxist lies throughout the 25 yrs before the War. Convincing Northern Americans to hate Southern Americans, as well as, dehumanizing us Southerners; making it alright to invade, rape, plunder, murder fellow citizens. Just because they were Southerners, White and Black. Now they are coming at us Southerners again for the same reasons, lies, spews of hate. These people today are pure evil and have only hate in their souls for us God Fearing Southerners. We are being exterminated by today's Democrat Party, and Liberal Northerners. These thugs are a plague on our Country. Under the banner of our Fathers, the Cross of Saint Andrews, we fight back.