
Friday, October 19, 2018

Why Are You A Confederate?

     This post is NOT about those of you who are working The Charge.  However, it is to y'all that "claim" to defend our Honorable Southern Heritage; but only limit it to Facebook post, complaining on Heritage Pages, faint outrage over things the Liberal/Marxist are doing to our history, etc....
A word from those of us in the trenches, we could use y'alls sincere help....
     We do NOT need y'alls ignorant spews, in-fighting, public chest betting, etc.  Allow me to explain.  It takes on the streets effort and hard work doing all kinds of things to Forward The Charge.
Things like informed voting, engagement with all local, State, Federal Elected Officials, attending Memorial Services, Monument Dedications. Public Forums, in addition to helping maintain graves with cleaning, flags, watching for vandalism, actually doing Monument & Cemetery Guarding.  And that is just the basics.  We must be faithful in our knowledge of our own Southern American History.
Going the extra mile to get things done. Showing our love of our Heritage by living it and sharing it.  Teaching our youth by historical truths, not ignorant rants.  Folks on the side-lines are watching.
      It takes some training to confront street thugs like ANTIFA, BLM, Socialist, Corrupt Democrats, etc...  This is not for everyone. We all work to do our part, working together we do effect positive change.  Strong Southern Communities make our streets save, beautiful, neighbors being neighbors again. Get started by READING real Southern History.  Develop the knowledge confidence to positively engage with the folks around you in everyday live.  Remember, we are the inheritors of a great bloodline; the Christian Confederate Soldier.  When we go off half-cocked we dishonor them and hurt all of our efforts to pass on our culture.  Be a confident Southerner, know who you are.



  1. This is exactly what I've been saying for years.

  2. yep.....
    nobody understands one from Ga I don't have to 'explain"......
    'Lord b with our country "
