
Sunday, August 26, 2018

Durham and Chapel Hill are a disgrace

Why are they so hateful?
(Today's University Student)

Watching the corruption of our youth is all leading back to the government educational systems that stopped educating our children decades ago; rather creating hateful, ignorant and Godless students. Of course the blame lays in the citizens for closing their eyes to the reality staring them in their eyes daily. However, blame is known, so what do we do about it?

Start by School Choice and promoting more Home Schooling. Break up the Teachers Unions, Period!  Then shut down State Funded University Systems. Decentralized public universities to all on line classes. It is a more efficient model. Lowers the cost and controls the problem the "Tenured  Professors" have on their socialist brainwashing  on students.  Instead it is replaced by real "Intellectual Property" which is the way to real national economic sustainable grow. Socialist hack Professors are replaced by real Professors teaching real world education solutions.  The Faculty Lounge is closed! 

We cannot afford to continue spewing out Socialist brainwashed Kids! In addition, we start holding professors, administrators, politicians student accountable for their illegal actions. Restore civic values and proper historical education.  

Monday, August 20, 2018

Are You An Arrogant Idiot?

Are You An Arrogant Idiot?
Why being a part of personal agendas are hurting our Heritage Revival: 

This past Sundays display of Arrogant Idiots in front of the Jefferson Davis Monument on Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia was one hundred percent avoidable. I am not referring to the silly children writing on the sidewalks with chalk, or the thug criminal group called ANTIFA.  Unfortunately, it was call by two "Heritage Groups" consisting of Arrogant Idiots from out of town. Knowing the volatile issues after the Richmond mayor's unlawful Committee Report calling for the removal of the Davis Monument; many good Southern Patriots engaged these "Heritage Groups" to stand down.  Why?

Funny thing happened on the way to the bank; there are many folks engaged in many different ways to fight this call from a politically motivated mayor to destroy the First Amendment Rights of our Grandparents. However these self appointed fools from out of town refused to heed our sincere request. Simply we ask them to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. After assuring us of their purity and our lack of actions saving the Monuments; they proceeded to become a problem.

Their stance of stupidity allowed the Marxist to domineer the Monument all day and create mayhem for the citizens of Monument Avenue and Police; without accomplishing anything for our Monument Preservation movement. So here is the question we must ask ourselves: Are we motivated by our personal agendas, or do we act for our Veteran family who are no longer with us? Really, it is that simple, clear and unambiguous! 

What is your answer? If you answer the later, then start by educating yourselves on real Southern History, act as they would have, ready yourselves to engage in intelligent conversations with folks in your influence circles: even folks on the street. Do not seek personal "glory", remember you walk under the banner of Saint Andrews. This is a lifestyle, not a cause of the week. Surround yourself with Patriots of high caliber. Work with other Heritage groups who have field experience in their towns. Humbly seek sound advice. Together under God we will turn Our Southland back into a sane place once again.   

God's Grace,
Barry Isenhour


Thursday, August 16, 2018

Stand Up and Be Counted

Stand Up and Be Counted
written on 12/23/11
As We begin to take back Our Country, part of the restoration is to teach citizens the true history of Our Country, warts and all. The PC(Liberals/Marxist, etc.) picking and choosing of what history fits into the narrow "mob mentality" of the day MUST be stopped. 
One group is In, another is Out; because the Elites, or The High & Mighty, or hauf monde, or Ruling Class have a new "Cause Celebes" of the week is destroying Our Country. Educating our children on lies is immoral, period!
Who are these few Elites to tell Us Americans what we will teach our children?  Each American is a sovereign being, NOT some low life slave to kow-tow to the sectarian PC police! An American citizen decides what is best for them; not some out of touch bureaucrat in a distant capital.  If We allow a name, or flag, or belief to stop us from doing the right thing, then We must stop allowing them to alter Our behavior.
Elites are cowards whose only power is to make up thing that "offend" some special group. Usually the special group does not exist, or is a very small cult!  The majority is thus condemned, or deemed "out of the mainstream".  This is why when the American citizens stand together as one voice against the Elites and their PC minions they back down.  As long as they divided us citizens into victim groups fighting fictional perpetrators, then they control Us and continue to destroy Our beloved Country along with Our traditions and culture.
It is simple to reverse our downward slide; just Stand Up and Be Counted! Join with other like-minded neighbors and get involved...and stay involved.  This is not a one-time or short-term movement; but a way of life.  If We believe We are God's sovereign individuals, then it is time We lived it.  Jeremiah 29:10-14 speaks of a generation passing for God to restore the dreams of a Godly Nation.  We can be renewed in our quest for God's restoration of His Country through Our Constitutional Republic form of governance; i.e. State's Rights ( 9th & 10th Amendments), Rule of Law, Personal Responsibility, etc....
 Our generation MUST stand up and honor our ancestors. The Tea Party movements are the start of Our struggle to restore Our Country.
Psalms 108:13, "for God we shall do valiantly: For He it is That shall tread down our enemies."

Stand Up and Be Counted

Stand Up and Be Counted
written on 12/23/11

As We begin to take back Our Country, part of the restoration is to teach citizens the true history of Our Country, warts and all. The PC(Liberals/Marxist, etc.) picking and choosing of what history fits into the narrow "mob mentality" of the day MUST be stopped. 

One group is In, another is Out; because the Elites, or The High & Mighty, or hauf monde, or Ruling Class have a new "Cause Celebes" of the week is destroying Our Country. Educating our children on lies is immoral, period!

Who are these few Elites to tell Us Americans what we will teach our children?  Each American is a sovereign being, NOT some low life slave to kow-tow to the sectarian PC police! An American citizen decides what is best for them; not some out of touch bureaucrat in a distant capital.  If We allow a name, or flag, or belief to stop us from doing the right thing, then We must stop allowing them to alter Our behavior.

Elites are cowards whose only power is to make up thing that "offend" some special group. Usually the special group does not exist, or is a very small cult!  The majority is thus condemned, or deemed "out of the mainstream".  This is why when the American citizens stand together as one voice against the Elites and their PC minions they back down.  As long as they divided us citizens into victim groups fighting fictional perpetrators, then they control Us and continue to destroy Our beloved Country along with Our traditions and culture.

It is simple to reverse our downward slide; just Stand Up and Be Counted! Join with other like-minded neighbors and get involved...and stay involved.  This is not a one-time or short-term movement; but a way of life.  If We believe We are God's sovereign individuals, then it is time We lived it.  Jeremiah 29:10-14 speaks of a generation passing for God to restore the dreams of a Godly Nation.  We can be renewed in our quest for God's restoration of His Country through Our Constitutional Republic form of governance; i.e. State's Rights ( 9th & 10th Amendments), Rule of Law, Personal Responsibility, etc....

 Our generation MUST stand up and honor our ancestors. The Tea Party movements are the start of Our struggle to restore Our Country.
Psalms 108:13, "for God we shall do valiantly: For He it is That shall tread down our enemies."