
Sunday, August 26, 2018

Durham and Chapel Hill are a disgrace

Why are they so hateful?
(Today's University Student)

Watching the corruption of our youth is all leading back to the government educational systems that stopped educating our children decades ago; rather creating hateful, ignorant and Godless students. Of course the blame lays in the citizens for closing their eyes to the reality staring them in their eyes daily. However, blame is known, so what do we do about it?

Start by School Choice and promoting more Home Schooling. Break up the Teachers Unions, Period!  Then shut down State Funded University Systems. Decentralized public universities to all on line classes. It is a more efficient model. Lowers the cost and controls the problem the "Tenured  Professors" have on their socialist brainwashing  on students.  Instead it is replaced by real "Intellectual Property" which is the way to real national economic sustainable grow. Socialist hack Professors are replaced by real Professors teaching real world education solutions.  The Faculty Lounge is closed! 

We cannot afford to continue spewing out Socialist brainwashed Kids! In addition, we start holding professors, administrators, politicians student accountable for their illegal actions. Restore civic values and proper historical education.  

1 comment:

  1. Right on! More Reconyx Game Cameras privately owned with any evidence made public by any media possible turned over to local county state and federal law enforcement for picture information and finally punishment no catch and release 1+ year as minimum these rioters get paid well by the likes of Soros such a sweet deal
